Thursday, July 23, 2009

Reviving the Blog...

Now that we've moved to Dallas and are finally getting settled, I thought it was a good time to start the blog up again. I think it will be a great way to share photos of our little one with our friends and family. Until the little one arrives, I'll try and keep this somewhat entertaining! After the baby comes, I think the photos of the baby will be entertaining enough!

We've been in Dallas now for a few weeks and we both have been enjoying the time getting our new home ready for the baby. Sumeet has been off work for a few weeks which has been great! We've been able to get the baby's room all ready and have ventured out to try a few restaurants. The temperature here is finally cooling down- it's in the 90s- a welcome relief after a few weeks of 100+ degree weather.

We live in a great neighborhood with a lot of great shops and restaurants within walking distance. Another bonus- our complex connect directly to the Katy trail. I think that this year will very exciting in many ways and I'm really looking forward to it for many reasons!

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The SuMo Life

Just a little glimpse into the life of Sumeet and Molly

(SuMo...get it?) ...written mostly by Molly. Enjoy!