Well, I was trying to space out my posts until our baby arrived and this post was supposed to be about our new stroller. Since
someone decided to arrive a bit early, we'll focus on that.
Technically, the baby was expected to arrive around 8-20, but we had an inkling he or she would arrive early. After taking it easy for the past few weeks, we decided to finish all of the final shopping for the baby on Saturday. We finished the day off with a great dinner in our neighborhood with some new friends. Later that evening while Sumeet was putting the finishing touches on our new baby gear, the baby started to let us know he was ready to meet us.
Sumeet and I like to think that we were well prepared for the baby. We had read many books on labor and the arrival. But still, Saturday night, we found ourselves googling various signs of labor. I think that after 9 months, we just couldn't believe it was actually happening. Plus, I have heard countless stories of women going to the hospital, only to be turned away because they weren't in actual labor. I definitely didn't want that happening to us!
Well, I certainly was in labor and just a few hours later our biggest surprise was revealed. We had decided not to find out that sex of the baby but I had a feeling it was a girl. A lot of other people seemed to think it was a girl too. I was wrong!
After taking care of this little guy for 9 months, it was the most amazing feeling to be able to hold him and talk to him. I just couldn't believe that this little guy was all ours and he is so perfect. We're so in love with him!
Saturday during the day we had talked about all the fun stuff we were going to do on Sunday...hang out by the pool and have a nice dinner later on. I suppose our little guy didn't want to miss out on all the fun!
Welcome to the world Nayan Robert!