Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!  Though Sumeet and I have never done the couples costume thing before, we will for this year. Sumeet and I are going as the "Ultimate Couple"...I'll post pics after the weekend. 

Monday, October 27, 2008


Yes, it's true. The Post-Dispatch actually printed the article about the water fountain. 
You can read about it here.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

My husband will change the world...or at least, water fountains!

He's a bit of a phone conversation from today...
Since we have caller id, I knew it was the newspaper.

Me: hello?
Man: yes, is dr. g there?
Me: um, no, can I help you?
Man: Yes, this is so and so, I'm a reporter. I'm calling because he contacted us about a faulty water fountain at forest park and need interview him.
Me: Oh, I didn't know that the park was having problems with their water fountains OR that he actually contacted someone about it....

Anyway, there's going to be some sort of column about it in the newspaper on Monday. I'm really hoping they put Sumeet's name in the paper so he can be considered a local celebrity!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Marathon weekend.

It was a crazy busy weekend and I was exhausted on Monday, but it was well worth it. We both had a lot of fun... too bad it's Sumeet's last marathon.

Here's a summary of the weekend:

First up, Sumeet had to lay out all of his gear....

After a 6 hour drive up to Chicago (1 hour spent in traffic)- we made it up just in time to meet up with Matt for dinner at Goose Island Brewery. Cool place, great burgers and beer. My fav was the "boo-berry"- just a hint of fruit.

Saturday was "expo day" in Chicago. Since our weekend was short and there was so much to do, we decided to split up to maximize time. Sumeet picked up his bib and goodie bag for the run and I hit, what I like to call "heaven on earth". 

Here's a shot of the expo....

Saturday night was the final opportunity for Sumeet to carb-load and at the recommendation of a friend, headed to Leona's. It was a cute restaurant with great pasta and the best bread ever- mostly because they give you garlic butter to slather on the loaf. In honor of my husband, I decided to carb-load too. 

Sunday morning it was up and at 'em pretty early.

Here's the tattoo Sumeet put on to help determine his pace. Don't worry, it's temporary.

 Sumeet headed to the starting line and I headed to mile one to try and catch him. The way the race was set up, it allowed for multiple viewings if I planned and timed it out accordingly. It wasn't quite what I expected. There were 1.5 million spectators and 45,000 runners. Thankfully, it wasn't too crowded watching and I managed to sneak my way to the front for optimal viewing. Here's a shot of the runners- Sumeet's not in this shot. When I finally saw him, I got too excited and cheered too long and forgot to get a shot. It sure is hard being a cheerleader AND a photographer!

  Matt met up with me and we somehow missed Sumeet at Mile 12 but headed to Chinatown and had a great view of the race. The sad thing was, despite focused vision, Matt and I both missed Sumeet but he ended up finding us. 
Here's Sumeet in Chinatown right before he almost knocked over a one-legged runner.

We then headed to the finish line and I quickly snapped Sumeet with 1 mile to go. It was such a huge difference seeing the runners at this point. With only one mile to go, they were definitely more energized. At this point it was uber-hot and they had to open the fire hydrants...

Last year they ran out of water and Gatorade....they had plenty on hand this year!

One Mile to go!!!!

The runner reunite area:

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Chicago, here we come!

This weekend we'll be heading to Chicago for the marathon. Sumeet will be running, and I'll be cheering. Sumeet has run the Boston twice before but that was pre- me so this will be the first time I get to cheer him on. I take my cheering duties very seriously, so I'll be sporting this shirt for the event....I'm sure they'll be some sort of obnoxious handmade sign involved too.

He's been working very hard for this marathon and I know he'll do great!  They'll be 40,000+ runners and countless friends and family members in the area, so the weekend should be very exciting!
If you want to follow his progress on Sunday, click here 

Friday, October 3, 2008

Still undecided?

If you're like me and still undecided, here's a little tool that may here.
Of course, you may want to further research the candidates, but it certainly can't hurt. 

Happy 30th Jess!

Today's Jessica's 30th birthday! We all surprised her last night with a night fun at Robust. Robust is in Webster and is a cute little wine store/restaurant. They have a great selection of nicely priced wines and the food is served tapas style- it was De-Lish! 

Jess, have a great B-day! You deserve it! 

Thursday, October 2, 2008

In honor of the VP debate...

This blog is typically free of politics but I just wanted to share this.
My friend Bernadette is very passionate about politics and I enjoy reading her blog for her latest rants/raves on the candidates. I, on the other hand, am still deciding who will receive my vote.  I suppose she is trying to sway my vote and thought the pack of gum she sent me would do the trick.  She lives in the deep southern part of Alabama and told me that you can buy these in bulk at the local Winn Dixie.

The SuMo Life

Just a little glimpse into the life of Sumeet and Molly

(SuMo...get it?) ...written mostly by Molly. Enjoy!