After much deliberation, I'm thrilled to announce that I'm returning to school FULL TIME! This also means I'll be leaving my job in the next few weeks. YIKES!
I'm excited to be returning to my alma mater, Saint Louis University for the one year MBA program (this includes a study abroad period in China!).Since most MBA programs are roughly 2 year programs, this will obviously be very intense. It will be a lot of work. Class will be from 9-5 and of course this doesn't include papers/homework/reading at night.
I'm pretty sure my 3 new best friends will be the library, my laptop and my books.I'm very excited/nervous/scared to begin this new chapter in my life. It's been 8 years since I've been in school. Back when I was in college, I didn't exactly have to walk 3 miles in the snow to class everyday, but it definitely was different back then. We barely used email. I didn't even have a computer. My little word processor got me through just fine. Rumor has it, these days kids are taking notes in class using their laptops! Wow - a lot sure has changed.
The upcoming year will definitely be a challenge and I'm so thankful that I have a very supportive husband. It's going to be tough, but I definitely think the outcome will be well worth it!
Ever wonder what a Billiken is?