Sunday, February 28, 2010


So, I've found it to be pretty difficult to keep up with this blog. Obviously, the little guy keeps me pretty busy and there's just a lot of other stuff I would rather do with my time. I know that you're thinking: "geez, I still want to see that ADORABLE little guy of yours". Well, you're in luck! See, I'm trying to practice photography more. I have had a "fancy" camera (dslr) for about 2 years now but really want to stop relying on auto mode. I'm forcing myself to get out of the auto zone and try different settings.
I found a great format on wordpress that allows for easy picture upload and is pretty simple to use. I loved posting pics on this blogger account, but the uploading took forever which was super frustrating. Anyway, I've started a new blog that is just photos. Though right now, it is devoted 100% to the little guy, I'd like to post photos of other interesting things in our life. But for now, you'll have to put up with looking at pics of the gorgeous guy. Since it's a photoblog, I also don't feel the pressure to write at all. I can just simply upload a photo and publish it. I'm guessing later on though, I will add little stories to go with the photos.

It's a win-win situation:I'm forcing myself to learn all about my camera to try and take decent pics, and my 2 readers get to look at pictures of my cutie. Enjoy!

To move on to the next picture, you can simply hit your mousepad or there are arrows at the bottom of the pictures.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Busy December

Well December came and went so quickly! We have done quite a bit of traveling with Nayan over the past few weeks and he was very much the expert traveler. Despite traveling late at night a few times, Nayan recovered like a champ. I think the traveling was harder on me than it was on him.
After the trip back home for Thanksgiving, we were in Cincinnati for a few days for Sumeet to interview. We then traveled back to St. Louis for another interview and squeezed in an early Christmas celebration with Grandma and Grandpa.
We spent Christmas in Dallas, it was just the three of us and we had a very nice, relaxing 1st Christmas with Nayan. It literally took us all day to open his presents (in between naps and feedings). I know that Nayan won't remember his first Christmas, but we always will!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

First plane ride

Well, Nayan had a great first plane ride. We headed back to St. Louis to visit family and friends over Thanksgiving and it was a great trip! Here are a few pics from the plane ride. Granted, it was a short flight, but like always, Nayan was such an angel!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Celebrity look alike

Now that we're home a lot more these days, we started watching more movies/tv series- one of them being The Office (so funny!). After watching a few episodes, we realized our son has a strong resemblance to one of the main characters. See for yourself:

Don't get me wrong, we think Nayan is the cutest baby ever but the hairline combined with the double chin really makes us think Nayan looks like Kevin.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

This Halloween was extra special! Even though Nayan can't exactly trick or treat, we had a very busy day. We spent the afternoon at his cousin's house. Though we were concerned we'd miss a good photo op due to nap schedules, we were able to get a few good shots!

Here they are checking out each other's costumes:

Sumeet and I have never carved a pumpkin, but figured this would be the perfect year. Sumeet and grandma were in charge- it turned out great! Please notice the "N" in honor of our little guy:

We hope everyone had a great halloween-we sure did!!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Anniversary Fun!

On 10-19, Sumeet and celebrated our 2 year wedding anniversary. Sumeet took the day off which was nice, and we had a fun filled day planned for the 3 of us. We started with an amazing brunch then headed off to the highlight of the afternoon- the Dallas Arboretum's Pumpkin Festival.

First, we had to dress Nayan in proper pumpkin patch attire, complete with a pumpkin hat:

So, the hat didn't go over very well. Nayan preferred to show off his hair:
Here's our little guy peeking out the window of the pumpkin house:
It was a gorgeous day, sunny and in the 70's- pretty much just like our wedding day.
We were just saying that it's crazy that it's been 2 years AND we have a beautiful son. We're so lucky to have a happy and healthy family!

Monday, October 12, 2009


Nayan is definitely smiling a lot more these days. It's super cute and makes us smile!

The SuMo Life

Just a little glimpse into the life of Sumeet and Molly

(SuMo...get it?) ...written mostly by Molly. Enjoy!